LFK Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant


[Recipients of LFK Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant]       [Download the Application Form]

1. Objective:
To support the participation of graduate students in academic conferences, thereby encouraging (a) the presentation of their research results to the academic community, and (b) the promotion of collegiality among promising young scholars and their established peers in the field.

2. Grant amount:
Up to U.S. $1,200

3. Application Deadline:
There is no application deadline. Applications will be considered when received. We can only guarantee evaluation of applications received at least six weeks before the start of the conference.

4. Requirements:
The student applicant must have received acceptance of an abstract for presentation at a national or international conference with at least one panel or session devoted to presentations on (a) the linguistics of a Sinitic language or dialect; or (b) the linguistics of a non-Sinitic language or dialect that bears relationship to the study of the Chinese language. To be eligible the conference must screen abstracts, rather than automatically accepting all proposals. The use of the grant is limited to payment of (a) conference registration and related fees (such as conference meals and banquets); (b) air and ground transportation to and from the conference site; (c) lodging costs for a number of nights equal to one greater than the number of days that the conference meets.

5. Qualification of the applicant:
The applicant must be a graduate student in good standing enrolled at a recognized academic institution, or must have officially received an MA or PhD degree no earlier than six months before the start of the conference. Applicants who have already received a grant in the previous two calendar years will not be considered. Prospective applicants cannot be Li Fang-Kuei Society officers, directors, substantial contributors, or their immediate family members.

6. Application procedure:
a. Download and complete the application form;
b. Submit the application form together with (1) a copy of the accepted abstract, (2) a letter indicating acceptance of the abstract for presentation and/or a copy of the conference program indicating that the applicant’s presentation has been scheduled, (3) an estimated budget for conference fee, travel, and lodging costs. In addition, two letters of recommendation are to be submitted directly by the references;
c. The application must also be accompanied by the address of the official conference web site or a copy of the most recent conference circular;
d. Submit the application form and supporting materials to the address below or, if all documents can be digitized, by email to travel@lfksociety.org.

7. Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will consist of 3 members, experts on Sinitic languages and dialects or experts on non-Sinitic languages and dialects that bear a relationship to the study of the Chinese language. Selection Committee decisions will be presented to the Li Fang-Kuei Society Board of Directors for final approval.

8. Announcement of result
The applicant will normally be informed by email of the result one month after the application is received. Recipients' names may be announced periodically on the Li Fang-Kuei Society web site, lfksociety.org, and in other appropriate venues.

9. Reimbursement
Reimbursement will be made after the conference trip is completed. Recipients will be sent a reimbursement form which must be submitted along with scanned original receipts to the LFK Society. When the form is received and approved, a check in US dollars will be sent to the recipient. The amount of the grant may be adjusted based on actual expenses. Please be sure to send digitized or scanned materials to travel@lfksociety.org.